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Mr. Goldberg has written a work readiness book that was published on April 16, 2008. The book's title is: How
to Get, Keep and Be Well Paid in a Job
One item Mr. Goldberg always wanted to include in his Work Readiness Training Programs was a book participants could take with them and use as a reference after they secured jobs. This book does that and more. It not only can be used by graduates of the Programs using Mr. Goldberg’s curriculum, but was written as a stand alone book to help people who have not taken the courses understand how to be valuable to their employers. In
fact, Mr. Goldberg enhances his Program in this book by clearly laying out
the reasons why workplace behaviors are important to employers, and by
using real life situations which make for an informative, enjoyable,
attitude-changing read. Mr.
Goldberg highly recommends that all venues using his Program incorporate
this book. The
book will also be available for co-branding. Custom covers can be
added to make the book an employee training guide for specific businesses
or organizations. The book can also be modified, expanded, or have
chapters eliminated to meet specific customer's needs. Below is a link to Mr. Goldberg's author page at Outskirts Press, his publisher. That page contains book excerpts, the book's table of contents, and direct links to sites where the book can be purchased. www.outskirtspress.com/Goldberg Book review from Midwest Book Review, a company that recommends books for California, Wisconsin and upper Midwest libraries and whose reviews are included in Gale Research who provide book reviews to libraries throughout the United States. 5 stars (out of 5) - Getting a well-paying job is essential just to survive, July 7, 2008 By Midwest Book Review (Oregon, WI USA) "The cost of living becomes higher and higher by the year; getting a well-paying job is essential just to survive. "How to Get, Keep, and Be Well Paid in a Job" is a guide for prospective employees to succeed at their searches for a good job, not to mention tips on the easiest way to keep a plum career - by excelling at it. With an examination of how workplaces function and how the reader can make himself or herself a vital cog in the corporate machine, "How to Get, Keep, and Be Well Paid in a Job" is highly recommended for community library career collections." Book review from the blog The Global Futurist, a blog about "spotting trends, changes and emerging patterns in the domestic and international markets is crucial for business survival. You must constantly stay ahead of the curve in order to compete successfully." "Author Jay Goldberg, in his critically-acclaimed book, HOW TO GET, KEEP AND BE WELL PAID IN A JOB (Outskirts Press) , invests almost a quarter of the text on dealing with ethical dilemmas in the workplace. Most of the means of dealing responsibly and ethically with the workplace situations addressed by Mr. Goldberg in his book would have seemed obvious to most Americans twenty years ago. I am obligated to report that the conventional wisdom of twenty years ago now has to be codified in a procedure manual. Twenty years ago, this book would not have found an adult market -- today, it is a secular bible."