SERVICES Overview Workplace Training Business Plans Business Growth Marketing & Sales Customer Service Market Research PROJECTS BOOK |
CUSTOM SCENARIO WORKPLACE TRAINING Process: 1. Develop custom workplace scenarios by starting with one of DTR Inc.'s generic scenarios (e.g. ethics, absenteeism, life habits outside of work, getting along with co-workers, sexual harassment, customer service, sales, etc.) and customizing it for the workplace and industry for the client. In addition, scenarios that are industry and/or company specific, where no base scenarios exist, can be generated from scratch. 2. Decide on an approach (can
use a different approaches for different scenarios). 3. Present a scenario to employees. 4. Employees submit responses to scenarios. 5. DTR Inc. comments on the employees' comments (not using specific names for specific responses). It is also highly recommended that all responses remain anonymous to management so real issues can be uncovered, addressed and corrected. 6. DTR Inc. teaches the lesson plan for the topic that was covered in the scenario. An example can be found in the summary blog written for a series of three Jobing.com blogs written by Jay Goldberg. Here is a link to that summary blog: http://workreadiness.blogspot.com/2009/09/ethics-in-workplace_09.html ### Contact Jay Goldberg to find out more about this invaluable training service: JayGoldberg@DTRConsulting.BIZ (indicate scenario training in the subject line to ensure your email is not sent to the junk mail folder). Call 561-842-9942 and leave a message on Jay Goldberg's voicemail. |